Edward A. Schechtman, PhD Build Your Skills for Success and Satisfaction
Edward A. Schechtman, PhD Build Your Skills for Success and Satisfaction
Clinical Hypnosis? What is it?
Clinical hypnosis is used in a counseling or therapeutic setting to help you make contact with and utilize the deepest of your inner resources: your own personal experience and creativity. The hypnotic state is natural to all of us. You may experience natural trance states more than once daily.
If you drive to the same destination day after day for an extended period of time, you sometimes find that you arrive at your destination without having any recollection of the trip. Where was your mind during that trip? You know that if someone had cut in front of you, or a light had turned yellow, you would immediately have responded in an appropriate manner.
Similarly, when you have been reading a novel, you may find yourself visualizing the faces, costumes and voices of the characters, and the scenery around them. You might have been unaware of anyone entering the room and they might have had to call your name, more than once, in order to get your attention.
You might find yourself daydreaming when you 're bored or just relaxing. You can experience vivid imagery in such a concentrated way that your usual awareness of your surroundings might be temporarily suspended.
Intense concentration in work or play maximizes your awareness and improves your ability to get a better result. When you're In such a state, you become totally absorbed and will not be distracted.
I strongly urge you to seek a trained and licensed professional therapist if you seek to utilize hypnosis to reach any of the goals described on the pages of this site. You can do this by contacting either myself, or by searching the site of the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis (Go to Links).

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Copyright 2006 Edward A. Schechtman, PhD